B066 - The Actress / The Victoria Bottle


PALE VIOLET / PALE PINK - De actrice. Brengt de erkenning dat het leven verschillende rollen bepaalt; deze rollen leren leven zonder zich teveel hiermee te identificeren. Onvoorwaardelijke liefde in dienst aan anderen.

Gebruik: Smeer de olie op het hoofd, het beste rond de haarinplant, en rond-om het onderlijf.

Affirmatie: `Ik let op wie er op het toneel van mijn leven staat.`

Aura-Soma England zegt:
Detachment from our conditioned responses that we may recognise the actors upon the stage of the self.

Represents the self-care and compassion (pale pink) to enable detachment from the conditioning that we may see the different parts we play on the stage of the self.
As we come to understand the different roles we take on in our own lives it may enable us to express more caring and compassion towards others and the roles they play in both their lives and ours.
The pale violet energy encourages alchemical transmutation of self; the pink supports detachment that we may bridge the gap between what is on the inside and what is on the outside.

This combination supports us in finding our role in the quality we can bring to each moment by the way we do what we do rather than what we do.