B089 - Energy Rescue / The Time Shift


RED / PURPLE (DEEP) MAGENTA - Energetische eerste hulp. Time-shift. Bevordert de zelf-genezende energieën; brengt nieuwe kracht, een sterker gevoel van eigenwaarde en innerlijke stabiliteit. Verandering van tijd is geld, naar tijd is kunst.

Gebruik: Smeer de balansolie op de hele onderbuik.

Affirmatie: `Energie volgt de intentie.`

Aura-Soma England zegt:
A gateway to a new understanding; a paradigm shift to time as art and life as enthusiastic well being. Represents a window or portal to a new paradigm: a shift from the energy of time as money to time as art and the opportunity to express qualities of personal touch and caring in whatever we do.
As we awaken to the love from above dwelling within our depths (deep magenta), we experience a renewal of energy (red) and may begin to realise our potential in everyday life and the opportunities that life presents to us moment by moment.