B055 - The Christ


CLEAR / RED - De Christus. Helpt ons onze roeping in het leven te vinden, en dit zonder compromis te leven; helpt woede en frustratie te transformeren in zuiverheid en helderheid. Licht en inspiratie komen de fysieke wereld binnen.

Gebruik: Smeer de balansolie op het onderlijf, vooral op de buik.

Affirmatie: `Ik heb de energie om mijn idealen na te streven.`

Aura-Soma England zegt:
The energy to work with and for the light.

Represents the energy of the Cosmic Christ and awakening to the light within (clear).
The integration of this light within the deeper levels of our being (red) leads towards the fulfillment of one’s purpose in the world. A sense of inner lightness as we awaken to the wisdom of the body.
Representing the polarities of heaven and earth, these two colour energies are vehicles for the completion of each other. As shown by the pink (love) ‘shake-to’ colour of the bottle as the two colours are shaken together,

the light of the Divine mingles with the earth of our Humanity that we may embody a greater love within and as us - a love whose light brings forgiveness, compassion and the understanding of life as eternal.