Shoti Maa Thee - Joyful Silence


Shoti Maa Joyful Silence thee
Element: Ether - Holding the Space. Ayurvedische kruiden- en specerijen thee met appel & citroen.

Inhoud: 16 theezakjes

Terwijl de zachte geur van appels en citroenen uit deze aromatische kruideninfusie van de Shoti Maa thee 'Joyful Silence' naar je opstijgt ? luister je en smelt je samen met je eigen, innerlijke centrum van stilte.

Ingrediënten: appel (40%), citroengras, honeybush, hibiscus, citroensap (4%), kurkuma (4%), kaneel, zwarte peper, cacaoschelpen, citroen-extract (1%), basilicum, gember, kardamom, kruidnagel.

Biologisch Shoti Maa schrijft over deze thee: ` The stillness. The space that holds everything else. Listen. This tea provides balance and support to the element of ether, wich relates to the space that surrounds everything. This is a wonderful tea to drink when you wish to enjoy your inner silence.` The Elements According to ancient wisdom, the five Elements are life's symbolic building blocks. To live a harmonious life, one must have all five in balance. How can we know where we stand? And how can we create that balance? Take a few minutes to enjoy a lovely cup of tea, and experience the balancing effects of our line of Teas for the Elements. Earth - Touch the Ground : Happy Landings Water - Emotional Detox : Feel free Fire - Purity Flame : Turn up the Heat Air - Life on Wings : Lighter than Air Ether - Joyful Silence : Holding the Space