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B102 - Archangel Samael


DONKEROLIJF / DIEPMAGENTA - Aartsengel Samaël Hoop. Eerste hulp. Een vernieuwing van al onze waarden en idealen. Grote angsten, ons veiligheidssysteem is geschokt. Onze inzet wordt op de proef gesteld.

Gebruik: Smeer de balansolie op de borststreek, maar ook verder op het hoofd.
Affirmatie: Op het moment van evaluatie van mijn eigen geloofs- en levensovertuigingen vind ik nieuwe hoop.

Aura-Soma England zegt:
O-live, where we may find a new beginning for hope within ourselves and a new foundation for our lives.

Can help to illuminate where we have built structures in our lives that create a false sense of security and undermine our vitality for life.
Loss can make way for something new to come as we let go of the bitterness of the past and trust the truth that can give us ground to build anew.
Deep magenta helps to bring love from above into our subconscious shadow areas, while the deep olive helps to deepen feminine intuition in our conscious mind and offer a guiding light of hope toward the future.
Archangel Samael has been attributed to The Tower tarot card which indicates a complete re-evaluation of the circumstances of life.

Therefore the positive potential offered by Samael energy is to live, by first accepting and then releasing those things that we find most difficult in ourselves, that we may embrace a new sense of hope, freedom and love of life.