B053 - Hilarion


PALE GREEN / PALE GREEN - Hilarion. Het zuivere hart; het hart zuivert zichzelf; lost diepe spanningen op, oude schuldgevoelens en rigide structuren, maar ook jaloersheid, afgunst en angsten. Zuiver hart, regeneratie.

Gebruik: Smeer de olie op het gebied rond het hart.

Affirmatie: `Ik vind mijn eigen waarheid.`

Aura-Soma England zegt:
The Way, the Truth and the Life. A balance within the heart through the process of purification.

Represents the intense seeking of Truth through purification of the energies of the heart. Can help to bring clarity and attunement to the right place at the right time.

As we observe the laws of nature through the cycles of life, we become more able to leave the past behind and enter into the higher ‘Way, Truth and Life’ that awaits us in every present moment wherever we are.