B037 - The Guardian Angel Comes to Earth


VIOLET / BLUE - De bewaarengel komt op aarde. Helpt speciaal hen die willen overgaan tot innerlijke vrede; heeft een verfrissend en beschermend effect.

Gebruik: Smeer de olie helemaal rond de haarinplant en in de halsstreek.

Affirmatie: `Ik vul mijn kelk opdat die kan uitstromen in de wereld.`

Aura-Soma England zegt:
A transformative, peaceful and nurturing communication from above, that may be of benefit both for oneself and others.

Fosters a profound peace and lightness of being in our depths (blue) that can give wings to a higher level of being (violet) on earth;
helps to bring transformation within and transformative and nurturing communication to others.

Can also open us to the unexpected with trust and faith, and stimulate a lightness of spirit and heightened perception.