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B096 - Archangel Raphael


ROYAL BLUE / ROYAL BLUE - Aartsengel Raphaël. Bij confrontatie met overlevingsproblemen. Hoe zal ik verder kunnen gaan? De vrede die elk verstand te boven gaat.

Gebruik: Smeer de balansolie op het hoofd en zone van het derde oog.

Affirmatie: `Ik ga voorbij mijn gevoelens en verwardheid en vind diepe vrede.`

Aura-Soma England zegt:
Clarity of perception and the higher energies of being that we may bring the creative possibility into form.

The possibility for clarity at the sense doors. Can help to go beyond ordinary perception and access the higher-mind functions of intuition, inspiration and ‘second-sight’ through the royal blue energy of the third-eye chakra.

Royal blue in both fractions indicates that as we access these qualities through our subconscious, we may also express them consciously with trust in the nurturing creative energy from above.