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B057 - Pallas Athena and Aeolus


PALE PINK / PALE BLUE - Pallas Athene & Aeolus. Moedigt aan om onafhankelijk te zijn van het denken en oordeel van anderen; diep loslaten en vertrouwen in God's kracht en liefde. Laat los en vertrouw, persoonlijke onafhankelijkheid.

Gebruik: Smeer de substantie op het onderlichaam en op hals en hoofd.

Affirmatie: `Ik laat los en vertrouw.`

Aura-Soma England zegt:
Creativity and right livelihood with attention to detail.

Represents a love of beauty and aesthetics and the manifestation of wisdom and beauty from within.
Can help to reconcile the feminine energy (pink/caring/feeling) with the masculine energy (blue/peace/expression) to create harmony, which underlies all beauty.
Helps to work with dreams and the understanding of the dream life and to know or sense that everything is just a dream. To perceive how we might express more of our totality through ‘right livelihood’.
The lower fraction blue indicates a subconscious potential for the expression of peace which can elevate the conscious pink energy of caring and feeling into loving communication and service toward others.
This is demonstrated in the shake-to colour of pale violet.